Michigan’s Integrated Behavior and Learning Support Initiative (MiBLSi):

This project is designed to help schools develop schoolwide support systems in reading and behavior. 

There are two main parts of the MiBLSi program.  The first part is a Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS) Plan.  The theory behind PBIS is that in order to change problem behavior you must teach expected behavior and then positively reinforce that behavior. 

In order to teach expected behaviors, the staff put together our theme and our Expected Behaviors Matrix.  Our theme is PAWS.  PAWS stands for Positive leaders Act responsibly and safely, Work as a team, and Show respect.  The matrix is discussed with all students on the first day of school and reviewed daily.  Each student was given a copy of the matrix and the expected behaviors are posted around school.  We also have reminders at our Crew Meetings on Monday mornings. 

To reinforce expected behaviors, the staff is working on specifically complementing expected behaviors (thank you for having the integrity to turn in the money you found in the parking lot.)    We are also handing out Blue tickets (like “Caught Doing Something Good”) and have a weekly drawing for small prizes.  In addition, we have "Go Green Days."  If a student's class is chosen for the day and that student's behavior card stayed on green, he or she is able to have an extra recess.

We are continuing to use the Responsible Thinking Process for disruptive behaviors.  All referral information will be stored in a data base.  We will have the ability to compile and study the data and determine what behavior interventions we need to put in place.

The second part of MiBLSi deals with reading.  The theory behind including reading in a behavior initiative is that a lot a students with behavior issues also struggle with reading.  All students were screened for reading difficulties using DIBELS and the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmark Assessment System.  Students' needs are being addressed during our Literacy Block time.What is RtI?


Response to Intervention is a tiered method of

providing interventions for students with more intensive interventions matching the needs of the

student. Tier 1 of RTI would include all students within any given classroom being provided with

scientifically-based interventions within that classroom. A systematic method of data collection is conducted by the teacher or other educators to determine which students are responding to those

interventions. Students who are not responding to those interventions are then provided with more

intense instruction at Tier 2. Tier 2 interventions are more intense for those students who did not respond to Tier 1. Students who still do not respond to Tier 2 interventions for a specific period of time would then move to Tier 3, which could be a referral for special education.



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